What the post is this

When you’re good at a hobby, that turned into a job… You forget that you used to perform said hobby for fun; for no reason besides that. Remind yourself what that feels like. Sometimes, all we need is a little momentum - to explore what we love, grow on a personal-level, and potentially be better, professionally.

For instance, I used to develop websites. I had a Xanga. I hardly, if ever, posted a thing (this is officially my longest post ever); but I absolutely loved changing the way it looked every few days. I’ve built a variety of personal websites for teachers, landing pages for a variety of industries and events. But easily been 5 years since I’ve done anything of the sort… So I made this.

This small, stupid little thing propelled me into an idea for my own app. It got me to update an old app. It got me to create a very small “nano”-service just so that I could practice writing a bunch of tests.

Sometimes, all we need is a little momentum.


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What the post is this

When you’re good at a hobby, that turned into a job… You forget that you used to perform said hobby for fun; for no reason besides that. Remind yourself wha...

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